
How do I change an oil burner filter?

Most important, the first thing to do is turn off the oil supply valve. Put a catch pan under the filter, unscrew, remove, and replace. Turn on oil supply and you're good to go. My Dad had two different types. The newer one was spin on, like a car's. The older one was like the old time car's where a paper filter was inside a can that was reused. Just the paper filter was replaced.How do I change an oil burner filter?
And also bleed the air out of the filter by loosening the little screw on top to let some oil out the bleed hole before starting the burner. Also, turn the burner's emergency switch off to make sure it doesn't fire up while your servicing it. You can pour fresh fuel oil in the filter before reinstalling it if there's any problem bleeding the air out. There's a coarse filter screen integral to the injector pump sometimes, but it seldom needs cleaning if you have an external filter in the fuel line. The burner spray nozzle also acts as a filter and may need replacement if the burner's not running properly. Wear throw away surgical gloves to protect your hands from the smelly fuel oil.How do I change an oil burner filter?

