
Do i need to change my oil filter on my motorcycle every oil change?

No, the oil filter is usually changed every second oil change.

But there is no reason you can't change the oil filter every time you change the oil, it might even extend the running life of the motor.Do i need to change my oil filter on my motorcycle every oil change?
You changed the oil because it was filthy right? So why would you want to run that nice clean oil back through a filthy filter? Change it, the engine you save may be your own.Do i need to change my oil filter on my motorcycle every oil change?
Don't be a cheapskate! Spend the extra $7 or $8 and change the filter!
You should, it's a filter so eventually it will fill with all of the debris.
What would be the point of changing the oil and not the filter? Would you wash your face with a cloth that you just wiped your but with?
No. It's recommended but you don't have to until every other oil change under non-dusty/extreme conditions.

Oil filters for bikes-if they are a cartridge type are pretty high capacity nowadays.

Usually the manual will recommend oil capacities when changing the filter and when NOT changing the filter.

Generally though-if you can afford to-change it with the oil.

As the old saying goes-Ya can change the oil %26amp; filter or ya can change your engine. The choice is yours.
it would be highly recommended.
You probably should. The filter collects all the gunk and crap from the oil. If you only replace the oil, then all that stuff is still in the filter and can get back into the system.
sure, why wouldn't you?, do you want to mix dirty oil with new?.
You could manually clean it, but if your too lazy just change it every 2 or 3 oil changes
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