Is the Fram toughguard oneWhat is a premium oil filter?
Dear country boy, I have news for you. WHen a testing agency performed analysis on oil filters, A/C Delco was on the bottom of the list. Fram was near the top. Mobil One and Amsoil filters out performed the rest. Many other filters are just packaged differently. German and Asian filters were also GREATWhat is a premium oil filter?
Buy a good washable oil filter, sure you pay a lot more but they are worth the money and last a long time, they are pretty much ';green'; Report Abuse
As usual, Fram does not publish hard facts on the comparative micro-inch dirt capturing ability on any of their brightly colored adds. High mileage oil filters are nothing other than a trick for people willing to stick their necks out for 15,000 -25,000 mile oil changes. They are expressly manufactured to allow more garbage to pass through them before the bypass valve opens. They also do not filter fine particle sizes as well as well as regular filters. Walmart sells the lowest life Fram Filters imaginable!
Stick to Wix, NAPA (made by Wix) Purolator Gold, Carquest's best oil filters are also made by Wix, Motorcraft (made by Purolator) or AC-Delco oil filters. At least you know what you're buying.
Premium filters usually are able to trap microscopically smaller particles, thereby keeping the oil and engine cleaner. They don't last any longer and should be changed as usual. I've never been real crazy about Fram. Wix makes good filters if you can find them. Purolater Premium are good too. OEM filters such as Delco, Honda, etc. are good too.
Fram states that ';FRAM Engine Protection ratings are based on multiplying an oil filter's dirt-trapping efficiency by its
dirt-holding capacity.';
This is an interesting page about Fram oil filters
pretty much the same inside just has a nicer looking outside.