thanksHow to change oil filter on 1997 f150?
the oil filter well be under the motor, round about 6'; long. It well spin off.. with a filter wrench. when you put the new one on put a little oil on the rubber gasket (make sure the old one came off with the old filter). Hand tighten only 3/4 of a turn after the gasket makes contact with the motor. the new filter will hold about 1 qt of oil.
You should change all the oil.
good luck
timHow to change oil filter on 1997 f150?
on a 4.6l f150 1997 the filter is located on the drivers side front of the engine. to remove you have to turn your wheels to the drivers side almost all the way as the filter will not come out without doing this.
crawl under truck and you should see the oil filter. ( Under Engine ) just unscrew it with a oil filter wrench. When you put back on do not over tighten. hand tight only