There are a lot of good answers, but let me mention that your service manual will tell you how often to change your oil and filter, some allow 5000 miles..
Having said that, let me add that a man in Montana bought a used GMC truck and changed the oil and filter every 2,000 miles. He changed it so often that the threads wore out on the pan so he had it welded up and rethreaded. When the odomoter was approaching 1,000,000 miles he notified the newspaper. A radio station disk-jockey rode with him when it hit the million miles.
I believe in changing about 2,000 miles with filter. Why? Well, I've been around a long time and remember when leaded fuels contaminated your oil. Even changing every thousand miles religiously, the rods would start knocking and smoke poured out at about 75,000 miles. That was because the combustion of the additive created an acid residue that etched the inside of the engine.
Unleaded fuels burn clean like propane does, so we can get more miles, but carbon does build up and it wears the engine.
Here in Costa Rica, the taxicabs drive mostly Hyundai or Toyota. They change the oil once a month and I've ridden in many with over 300,000 KM. The drivers tell me they only have to add a clutch periodically and changes water hoses.
So, oil is cheaper than an engine and I recommend you change it yourself with a good multi viscosity oil like Casdtorol, Valvoline or Havoline. Pennzoil and Quakerstate are parafine based and regardless of the advertising, it should be avoided.
Blessings, Ben YeshuaHow often should you change the oil and filter in the car?
About 3500 mile if you use regular oil, if you use a synthetic blend you can get another 1000 or so miles, straight synthetic oil about 7500 miles. If you drive short trips this is a good time line. If you drive longer trips you can stretch it a little. Remember, oil is cheap and engines very expensive. Good luck. And change the oil filter evey time. Air filters in new cars / trucks are good for 35,000 milesHow often should you change the oil and filter in the car?
so oils say 5000 miles or more but the best thing to do for you car is change the old every 3000 miles, when you do that install a quality oil filter as well. evey 4 old changes or so which is aroudn 12000 miles you should change you air filter as well.
We change ours every 2000 miles or 6 months, which ever comes first.鈥?/a>
I just looked it up. This site says every 3000 miles or every 6 months. Well, our cars must be squeaky clean then. lol
Every 2000 miles in warm temps. Every 3000 in cold temps. Filter should be changed every time you change the oil.
Every 3,000 miles or 3 months. Change the oil filter when you change the oil. Replace your air filter every 12,000 miles
My husband always changes the oil and filter every 2000 miles.The usual is 3000 miles but he won't wait that long.
they say every 3000 miles but that also depends on how dirty your engine is inside.
every 3000 miles