Most auto parts stores will accept used oil for recycling, or for safe disposal. Just pour it into a safe container (such as an empty milk jug) and take it to them.What should I do with my used motor oil and oil filter?
Many auto parts stores have free recycling of the waste oil and filter. Ask them and then just take it down - they will dump it and return your drain container.
.What should I do with my used motor oil and oil filter?
take it to your town recycling center.
Be shure all the oil is drained from the filter and then take the used oil to any parts store. The will recycle it for you.
take it to your local parts store, they have a bin to recycle that stuff.
You can go to Pep-Boys, Auto Zone, Checker auto parts, some auto shops to.
Walmart takes it and uses it for heating their store
I always wait until dark the throw the bucket with the oil and filter in my neighbors pool, it's funny as hell...try it.
drink it. nutball
Take it back to your local auto parts store or mechanic for recycling