
How do you remove the oil filter from an '06 camry. I am a firefighter and I couldn't remove it from my car!!

Sometimes the oil filter is installed too tight by some jerk at the Toyota dealership. I have had to use giant water pump pliers and once a pipe wrench to get them off. If you are nervous about the amount of force it takes, take it to Jiffy Lube and have a ball watching them fight with it.How do you remove the oil filter from an '06 camry. I am a firefighter and I couldn't remove it from my car!!
First locate the oil filter and get the proper tool for the job. Most oil filters go on real easy and come off the same way. Remember righty tighty... lefty loosey... for all you know you may have been tightening the filter rather than loosening it. Another good thing for you too do is get yourself a manual for you car, if you are going to do this kind of work yourself. Bet your getting a lot of grief at the firehouse, I know you would be at mine. Just one more thing,don't admit you are a firefighter with something this dumb....I mean jeez dude... what were you thinking?????????How do you remove the oil filter from an '06 camry. I am a firefighter and I couldn't remove it from my car!!
I can't express it enough. join a forum specializing in your car... for instance www.camryforums.com/ someone there can help you. very important to have someone who has gone through what you are about to. you can research problems with the model before they ever happen so when something does happen you know exactly what is wrong.
firefighter has a lot to do with changing your oil doesnt it?
unscrew it! lol ... if you dont know how to get an oil filter out of your car you probably shouldnt be changing the oil ... just go to get it done .. its really not that much more expensive than doing it yourself and you save yourself the time, aggrivation, and you dont get all dirty too... and you dont gotta worry about dumping the waste oil too ....
You buy an oil filter wrench from a motorfactors and that should do the job
Take it to a shop
You remove it with an oil filter wrench. Get one at any auto parts store.
us an oil filter wrench, or a big pair of channel lock pliers.
First you blast it with your hose. Then you run over the car with your truck. If that doesn't work, try hitting it with your rubber boots. If THAT doesn't work, let your dalmation have a hack at it.

Seriously, just go get a tool for removing an oil filter. It's always hard the first time. The type that is basically a nylon cord on a stick that connects to a ratchet works the best, if you can find one. Or just take it to a lube shop for the first oil change to save yourself the headache.

