the oil filter attaches to what part of the engine?
i have a leak btw the oil filter and the part where it attaches to in the engine, i have changed the filter many times but the leak still persists. what is the name of that part on the engineOil filter attaches to what part of the engine?
Oil filter adapter gasket or seal to the engine block.Some engine equipped with oil cooler and leak at the adapter is common.Oil filter attaches to what part of the engine?
If you're sure it's the oil filter that's leaking where it attaches to the mount, it's possible you have an old filter gasket stuck there. I know if I over tighten a filter the gasket sometimes gets left behind. That's an easy fix. Your problem is hard to diagnose since you haven't told us what brand, which engine, year, or model.
It bolts to the block. If need be, go ask at the part store, I don't exactly what it is called, but it on the block and it it bolted there.
Are you talking about you oil pressure sending unit?