
I have a 95 jeep Cherokee and it leaks a little bit of oil from around the oil filter,?

It looks like its coming from in between the block and the oil filter mount but I'm not sure, How do I fix this and where do I get the part(s)?I have a 95 jeep Cherokee and it leaks a little bit of oil from around the oil filter,?
Leaking o rings on the oil filter mount is a very common problem. You Jeep dealer will have a kit with the right sized O rings.

Remove the bracket from the block and repalce the O rings. This will solve your leaks. It is kind of a messy job but not too hard.


http://thejeepguru.comI have a 95 jeep Cherokee and it leaks a little bit of oil from around the oil filter,?
I have a 92 Jeep Cherokee which had a similar issue. Turned out to be:

Oil filter adapter O-rings

Oil pressure sending unit

Parts were under $50, but it was beyond my garage skills. Labor was $193. No problems since (except for my OIL PRESSURE gauge which is out and not worth the $200).

