Are you tuning it the right direction? Counter clockwise.I try a screwdriver to remove a oil filter did not work any other suggestions?
Because the screwdriver and hammer can poke a hole in a oil fiter you think that is the proper tool? About $ 5.00 you can have the real filter un winder. A strap wrench with teeth. Or for about $24.00 you can have Wal-Mart do the job. Always install the new filter with your hands.I try a screwdriver to remove a oil filter did not work any other suggestions?
try a pipe wrench, or hammer and chisel
try a big pair of channel locks
Go to Wal-Mart or Autozone and buy an oil filter wrench.
A large pair of Channelock Griplock or oil filter pliers
have the same problem, had it before sweat and tin snips, just dismantle the darn thing. Good Luck.
I ran into this same problem I solved it with a whole lot of swearing.
Have you tried to use your belt ( the one that holds up pants) cinch it done and use it to get leverage and break the seal.