Go to an auto supply shop, they are usually stocked with stuff like that for cars etc.Does anyone know how I can get a 10 micron oil filter for my 2004 Pontiac Sunfire?
I'm not sure what OEM is but I don't think oil will go through 10micron filters.Does anyone know how I can get a 10 micron oil filter for my 2004 Pontiac Sunfire?
if you don't already know, useless things like this is waht drains people's pockets. such as trying to find unrealistic parts for a car. if there are oil filters out there that have the same thread and gasket (fram/stp) that fits, it would be just as useful and effective than trying to find stuff like that. don't believe me?then maybe you should call your local auto shop, they would say exactly what i said, and i'll say it again..';i told you so!'; otherwise, buy a foreign car or something, they have the least problems, thats why our domestics are killing our economy. your welcome!