
What happens if I used a wrong type of oil filter on my car?

several possibilty

it may work fine no problem

it may leak lose all of your oil

it restrict the flow of oil causing inproper lubrication and shortening the life of moving parts in the engine

most of which is senseless to attempt to put wrong filter on intentionally the bad possibility out weigh the good on this one

go to store get the proper filter and good luckWhat happens if I used a wrong type of oil filter on my car?
There really isn't a wrong ';type'; but the wrong size or part # could possibly leak or restrict flow which would be like no oil at all, not good.What happens if I used a wrong type of oil filter on my car?
The worse thing that can happen is an oil leakage. If the filter fits without leaking, nothing will happen. But if you do that, be sure to check for leakages, and check oil pressure frequently.

